Monday, November 18, 2019

Late Fall Update

Well, I didn't realize it had been over six months since I last updated this blog.  Anchored Farms continues to grow with animals and peoples.  Here are some pics with explanations.

 Anchored Farms sunrise on 17 August 2019.

Charlene's birthday present. A hybrid Peach/Plum fruit tree.  At the time of purchase, it had one peach on it.  That peach survived, but was not harvested in time for a human to eat it.   

Darci Jensen, was asked by her niece, Eloise, to watch, comfort, and burp Eloise's doll, while Darci's real baby takes a nap.

 Jared loves playing with his daughter, Edrie,

Edrie is nothing but love, happiness, and SMILES! 

 Josiah and Ona enjoy the roller coaster during the Walnut Festival in Stockton, MO during late September 2019.

Josiah, (far right) enjoys walking the river while several scouts from BSA Troop 78 head to the swimming hole. 

 Josiah Beach enjoying some caving during a BSA Troop 78 camp out.

 Ona Beach enjoys helping with chores and interacting with some of Anchored Farms' Nigerian Dwarf Goats.

 Big Red, takes time to chew his food while the Guinea Hens continue to eat grain from the feed dish.

 Charlene watches as Scarlett nurses her new litter of piglets.  She gave birth to 14 and thankfully, 11 survived to 8-weeks of age, when they were sold.

 Scarlett with her 11 piglets enjoy some sunshine.

 Our two Scottish Highland heifers, several of our goats, and some chickens enjoying some hay and feed.

 Our two Scottish Highland heifers (Eidihl, pronounced "Ay-lee) is the lighter colored heifer and McKenzie is the darker heifer.

Snowflake gives birth to twins. One doeling and one buckling.  We name them Bonnie and Roscoe since Ross' parents had just recently moved into the Lodge. Roscoe is the white kid laying under his mother, and Bonnie is standing.