Saturday, May 16, 2020

Spring on Anchored Farms

 Eilidh (left) and McKenzie (right) enjoying some green grass.
 Eilidh and Mckenzie, our two Scottish Highland heifers enjoying some fresh greens.
 Many of our Nigerian Dwarf goats.

 Scarlett nursing her litter that was born 5-9-2020.
 Scarlett nursing her piglets.  She gave birth to 14, had one stillborn.  One week after birth, 13 are still living.
 Some of our young pullets.

Some of our replacement hens, they are still young pullets.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Chickens Are Awesome

We have about 21 hens that are currently laying.  all of our birds get locked up at night, but "free range during the day.  We have 16 Guinea hens as well. Living in Missouri and the country, ticks are a "dime a dozen", so the guineas come in quite handy.   We call the rooster, Big Red, and there are a few hens that stay close to him.