"Raising family and food, while Anchored in the Light of Christ."
We currently produce Red Wattle pigs, Nigerian Dwarf Dairy goats, Scottish Highland cattle, a variety of rabbits, and a variety of eggs from various breeds of chickens.
Friday, October 2, 2020
Georgia Gives Birth
Our first time mama goat, Georgia, gives birth to triplets on 28 September, however one was deceased. The two kids in these pictures with Charlene, are doing well, small, but doing well.
The syringe on Charlene's lap is filled with claustrum from the kid's mama, since we couldn't get her to nurse initially. She has since figured it out.
The syringe on Charlene's lap is filled with claustrum from the kid's mama, since we couldn't get her to nurse initially. She has since figured it out.